The website is a knowledge product derived from the SUPPORT study (Survey and Development of a Universally Accessible Postpartum Online Resource for the Treatment of Postpartum Depression. The Principal Investigator, Dr. Lori Brotto and a multidisciplinary research team that included BC Women’s Hospital + Health Centre leadership, initiated the study in Spring 2020, based on the emergent results from the non-Indigenous Canadian focus groups run in Phase I. These findings indicated a need to shift away from providing self-directed therapy, which was seen as potentially very difficult for new parents who are tired, unmotivated, and don’t have time to figure out therapy while caring for an infant. Instead, it seemed as though the key needs of new parents experiencing postpartum depression (PPD) were providing knowledge, identifying useful resources/services, and connecting to peers. The result is, which has been co-created alongside all of the listed knowledge users.