I learned to “Think Off”
The no-libido credo
Women’s sexual pain
Low sexual desire
Sexual Prime: Fact or Fiction?
Asexual Pride
Radio AM640 Toronto with Bill Carroll
Race to market the first pill to enhance a woman’s libido
Pills to boost women’s sex drive? Try natural alternatives instead
Can you bottle a woman’s sexual desire?
Behind the cover story: Daniel Bergner on the female “viagra”
Does monogamy cause female sexual dysfunction – and could a pill be the answer?
Unexcited? There may be a pill for that
Research profile: Sex after survival
Can mindfulness treat sexual dysfunction?
Suggested treatment for sexual difficulties and research into asexuality
The medicalization of female sexuality
The truth about sex
Psyched out: what will the new DSM say about you?
Sexual health in ovarian cancer
Unvoiced pain affects women who hurt during sex
The science of lust
Sex therapy: Doctor of desire
Sex on the brain: UBC sex research
UBC study aims to uncover the causes of low libido
Better sex special
Doctor of Desire
Learning to lust
Life in a sex vacuum
Women’s Sexual Health: Dr Lori Brotto says the female libido gets sparked in ways we’re only beginning to understand
Psychologist wants better treatment for women with sexual disorders
Women who want to want
Sex pleasure principles: The elusive orgasm
Asexuals leave the closet, find community
New ways to increase female libido
Asexuals push for greater recognition
What science says about enlightened sex
Cancer doesn’t have to hurt your sexuality
Sexual dysfunction in women with gynaecological cancer
Better sex now: Three things to tell him – and three things to ask – for better sex, tonight
How early adult sexual experiences contribute to sexual function in adults
Helping cancer patients with quality of life issues post hysterectomy
Myths and sexuality
Sexuality in advanced medical illness
Chronic medical illness and sexuality
Low desire in women
Genital pain – is it all in my head?
Mindfulness and sex
Stranger to sex
Mindful sex