
  • Sexual health in ovarian cancer

    Sexual health in ovarian cancer

  • Unvoiced pain affects women who hurt during sex

    Unvoiced pain affects women who hurt during sex

  • The science of lust

    The science of lust

  • Sex therapy: Doctor of desire

    Sex therapy: Doctor of desire

  • Sex on the brain: UBC sex research

    Sex on the brain: UBC sex research

  • UBC study aims to uncover the causes of low libido

    UBC study aims to uncover the causes of low libido

  • Better sex special

    Better sex special

  • Doctor of Desire

    Doctor of Desire

  • Learning to lust

    Learning to lust

  • Life in a sex vacuum

    Life in a sex vacuum

  • Women’s Sexual Health: Dr Lori Brotto says the female libido gets sparked in ways we’re only beginning to understand

    Women’s Sexual Health: Dr Lori Brotto says the female libido gets sparked in ways we’re only beginning to understand

  • Psychologist wants better treatment for women with sexual disorders

    Psychologist wants better treatment for women with sexual disorders

  • Women who want to want

    Women who want to want

  • Sex pleasure principles: The elusive orgasm

    Sex pleasure principles: The elusive orgasm

  • Asexuals leave the closet, find community

    Asexuals leave the closet, find community

  • New ways to increase female libido

    New ways to increase female libido

  • Asexuals push for greater recognition

    Asexuals push for greater recognition

  • What science says about enlightened sex

    What science says about enlightened sex

  • Cancer doesn’t have to hurt your sexuality

    Cancer doesn’t have to hurt your sexuality

  • Sexual dysfunction in women with gynaecological cancer

    Sexual dysfunction in women with gynaecological cancer

  • Better sex now: Three things to tell him – and three things to ask – for better sex, tonight

    Better sex now: Three things to tell him – and three things to ask – for better sex, tonight

  • How early adult sexual experiences contribute to sexual function in adults

    How early adult sexual experiences contribute to sexual function in adults

  • Helping cancer patients with quality of life issues post hysterectomy

    Helping cancer patients with quality of life issues post hysterectomy

  • Myths and sexuality

    Myths and sexuality

  • Sexuality in advanced medical illness

    Sexuality in advanced medical illness

  • Chronic medical illness and sexuality

    Chronic medical illness and sexuality

  • Low desire in women

    Low desire in women

  • Genital pain – is it all in my head?

    Genital pain – is it all in my head?

  • Mindfulness and sex

    Mindfulness and sex

  • Stranger to sex

    Stranger to sex

  • Mindful sex

    Mindful sex

  • Sexual healing

    Sexual healing

  • A-Sexomatic: Dealing with asexuality

    A-Sexomatic: Dealing with asexuality