Sex and intimacy after the baby arrives
December 16, 2013- New York Times article by Catherine Saint Louis
I learned to “Think Off”
October 21, 2013- article by Tracy Clark-Flory
Sexual Prime: Fact or Fiction?
August 12, 2013 – Huffington Post interview with Bella Ellwood-Clayton
Radio AM640 Toronto with Bill Carroll
Originally broadcast on Radio AM640 Toronto
Can mindfulness treat sexual dysfunction?
January 30, 2013- Greater Good article by Jill Suttie
Suggested treatment for sexual difficulties and research into asexuality
Originally broadcast on Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Radio National
The truth about sex
January, 2012- Flare Magazine article by Lola Augustine Brown
Sexual health in ovarian cancer
October, 2012- Ovarian Cancer Symposium (Mediasite. Note: Microsoft Silverlight required to view)
Women’s Sexual Health: Dr Lori Brotto says the female libido gets sparked in ways we’re only beginning to understand
Originally broadcast on Kink FM, Portland Oregon
Psychologist wants better treatment for women with sexual disorders
Originally broadcast on National Public Radio