The therapists helping sexual-trauma survivors relearn to love sex
How Canada is dominating the field of sexuality research: The big brains behind Canada’s good sex
Want to have better sex? Try doing nothing
The Truth About Female Desire
Medicating women’s sexual desire still highly controversial
What being asexual means to me
How to want sex again (and fall back in love in the process)
What to do when you want more-or less-sex than your partner
Where Vancouver leads in LGBT progress: Local health professionals are at the world’s forefront
Women’s orgasms are even more fascinating than we fathomed
Interdisciplinary care reduces deep dyspareunia in endometriosis
Building a better female orgasm
Mindfulness can do wonders for your sex life
High sexual desire in women can be totally normal
A third of women taking testosterone see a boost in desire—but could that be because their partner knows they’re on it?
Sexual health conference aims to make it less awkward for doctors to talk about sex
This is 40ish: The secret lives of Canadian women
How to focus during sex: This is not the time to multitask
Many asexual people still fantasize about sex, study finds
Study examines asexual involvement in sex, including masturbation and fantasies
Is asexuality a sexual orientation?
Savage Lovecast, Episode 525
I want to watch porn, but will it make me less interested in my partner?
Vaginal rejuvenation: Reality check on the latest baby boomer health trend
New study shows how mindfulness could help women who are feeling sexually disconnected
Flow and mindfulness within BDSM practices
Asexuality: A distinct and valid sexual orientation
This kind of sex can create an altered mental state
Asexuality needs to be recognized as its own, unique sexual orientation, Canadian experts say
The truth about asexuality, or when you DGAF about sex
Mindfulness – Personal intimacy and presence with self
Asexuality is a sexual orientation, not a sexual dysfunction
There’s nothing wrong with being asexual
Sexual-health education needs to call body parts by their names
UBC Sexual Health Lab Debunks Myths: World Sexual Health Day 09/04/16
The enduring enigma of female sexual desire
Sexual trauma: How it manifests, how to heal
Why we should care that many teens experience sexual difficulties
Too stressed for sex?
Valeant’s ‘female Viagra’ sales team axed amid low demand
Should researchers partner with the asexuality community?
Myth: A pink pill is the only hope
Is asexuality a sexual orientation?
After baby, can parents ever regain that lost lovin’ feeling?
5 women who are making a difference in the health of Vancouver residents
Our campus: Lori Brotto is a myth buster of sexual misconceptions around female sexual arousal
What’s normal when it comes to female libido?
Savage Lovecast, Episode 381
What it means if she cries after sex
Female Viagra: The new drug for female desire